Volunteering at WIR

Apply for a FÖJ or BFD!

About us

The Technical University of Kaiserslautern offers young people the opportunity to work on several projects in the area of Mankind and Environment and to gain insights into any field of Urban Water Mangement. Your workplace is located at the department of Urban Water Management at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. The deployment site connects the work of an civil engineer with the nessecity of environmental protection.

Interested? Contact:

Julia Zimmer



You are under 27 years old (BFD without age restriction), have fullfilled your time of compulsory education and you have a driving license class B.

Orientiation and Choice of study courses

If you consider to begin a course of study for Chemistry, Biology, Civil Engineering, Water Management, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering or Process Engineering, the FÖJ at the University of Kaiserslautern will provide a good orientation guide. 

Orientation day and Application

We will be pleased to invite interested people to an orientation day where they have the opportunity to get to know our department. Just apply online for a FÖJ ("Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr", voluntary ecological year) or a BFD ("Bundesfreiwilligendienst", federal volunteer service) or send your application by post to the contact information below. 

The voluntary ecological year (FÖJ) / federal volunteer service (BFD)

The voluntary work starts on 1. August of each year. During the year, you have the oppurtunity to deepen your acquired knowledge in five different seminars and to exchange experiences with other volunteers. Furthermore, it is possible to realize your own ideas within Projects. At the end of the year you will receive a confirmation of participation and a qualified certificate upon request.