Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann

Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 14

Building 14, Room 211

Tel. +49 631 205-2909

E-Mail: sabine.hoffmann(at)

Consultation hours: By appointment (Email)


Since September 2014:


Head of the department Built Environment, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

o Establishment of a working group with 6 Research Assistants

o  Construction of the Living Lab smart office space at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

o Development of the consecutive master's degree "Immobilien und Facilities - Management und Technik" in cooperation with the departments Baubetrieb and Immobilienökonomie




March 2012 – April 2014:

Senior Scientific Research Associate,

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

o Dynamic, switchable facade systems with bi-directional solar distribution functions (BSDF)

o Participation in international projects:

CERC: US/China Clean Energy Resource Center

Green Proving Ground: Field study on daylight-controlled lighting

CBI: Decision-making processes during the design and construction phase


June 2010 - February 2012:

Research Assistant, University of California,

Center for the Built Environment (CBE)

o Thermal comfort modeling

o SoloCalc - Software development in addition to the Berkeley Comfort Model


October 2008 - April 2010:

Research and development engineer for building physics

bei seele GmbH & Co KG (

o Responsible for the building physics in seele's international building projects

o Project-independent research and development

o In-house training 


Feb - Sept 2008:

Head of the junior research group "NuBau",

BMBF research project

o Development of the interdisciplinary research proposal 

o Development and coordination of the junior research group


Oct 2007 - Jan 2008:

Post-Doc Research Visit, University of California at Berkeley

o Participated at Berkeley Comfort Model (BCM)

o Application of the BCM to radiant heating/cooling 


Aug 2002 - Sept 2008:

Research Associate, Chair of Building Physics,

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Prof. Kornadt)

o Research within the SFB 524: PCM for summer heat protection in buildings with low thermal mass 

o International Research collaborations on the effects of climate change on the construction sector: University of Manchester, University of Brno, University of Technology in Bratislava

o Organization of workshops and conferences

o Lectures in the field of building physics and experimental physics

o Numerous publications and lectures at international conferences


College education:

o Feb 2007: Promotion to Dr.-Ing. in the field of thermal building physics 

o Aug 2005: Master of Science Management für Bau, Immobilien, Infrastruktur, Bauhaus- Universität Weimar

o Feb 2002: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bauphysik, Hochschule für Technik, HfT Stuttgart

- diploma thesis on INSA – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées der Universität Rennes, Frankreich

- Practical semester at Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Frankreich