completed projects

Innovative ground interface concepts for structure protection - INSPIRE

European Union, GrantAgreement No: 813424

The aim of the EU-funded project is to develop artificial materials that are intended to inhibit the propagation of waves underground in all spatial directions in order to protect structures from all ground-related hazards, including earthquakes and other sources of low-frequency noise and vibration excitation.

Funding period: 2019-2023

Robotic Exploration of Extreme Environments - ROBEX

Helmholtz Alliance

The Helmholtz Alliance combines space and deep sea research. Sixteen institutions across Germany are developing technologies to explore hard to reach areas under extreme environmental conditions. These include e.g. the deep sea, polar regions, the earth's moon, but also other celestial bodies.

Funding period: 2012-2018

Mechanik teilgesättigter Böden

DFG-Forschergruppe 444

The research project is part of the “Mechanics of Partially Saturated Soils” research group. For unsaturated cohesive soils, the aim is to investigate how time-dependent water tensions and parameters such as the number of pores, temperature, etc. affect the formation of cracks in mineral seals, the stability of embankments or stress redistribution in tunnel construction, etc.

Funding period: 2001-2004 sowie 2004-2007

Netzfreie Simulation von Phasenübergängen in Granulaten

DFG-Forschungsvorhaben VR3/5-1, KU1430/7-1, FWF-Förderkennzeichen I547-N13

The research project is part of a German-Austrian cooperation project in which a special mesh-free method for implementing the movement of points, their density, velocity and stress fields is to be developed and the governing conservation equations are to be evaluated in the so-called strong form.

Funding period: 2011-2014 sowie 2015-2018

PraxisRegelnBau Initiative: AP4 Harmonisierung des EC7-1

Initiative Praxisgerechte Regelwerke im Bauwesen e.V.

The initiative is actively involved in improving the practical suitability of regulations in the construction industry in Germany and Europe by carrying out research projects in advance of the creation of standards and other regulations in the sense of prenormative work.

Ingenieurmaterialien auf verschiedenen Skalen: Experiment, Modellierung und Simulation

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 814 an der TUK

The goals of the graduate college are based on current issues in the field of engineering materials. In the object area, these are the consideration of various innovative and traditional materials, such as composite materials, smart materials, ductile materials and geomaterials, and in the method area, the experimental investigation of these material classes, their constitutive modeling and suitable numerical simulation.

Funding period: 2002-2005 sowie 2005-2008

Industrial Application of Electro-osmosis to Reduce Environmental Impact of Steel Sheet Piles via Reuse - INAREIS

EU-Research Fund for Coal and Steel RFSR-CT-2009-00026

The aim of the project is to research the use of electro-osmosis to facilitate the removal of sheet piles. This promotes the reuse of the planks. Laboratory studies, adhesion tests, model and field tests as well as numerical calculations were used to optimize the system and define practical rules for the applications.

Funding period: 2009-2012

Prognose des strukturinduzierten sekundären Luftschalls aus dem Schienenverkehr

BBR-Forschungsvorhaben, Zukunft Bau, SWD-

The research project is a cooperation project funded by the ZukunftBau research initiative, in which a new forecasting method for secondary airborne noise from rail traffic is to be developed together with the Department of Building Physics at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern and baudyn GmbH.

Funding period: 2015-2018

Prinzipuntersuchungen zur Rad-Boden-Wechselwirkung: Modellversuche und numerische Simulation (Kopie 1)

Bundeswehr WTD 41 GF330 (Trier), E/E411/IS008/AF132

The aim of the project was to set up a wheel/ground interaction model for different load configurations from the superstructure or the vehicle using a numerical model with calibrated input parameters that are validated using test results.

Funding period: 2018-2019